3d laser scan – Sardauscan

Build a 30$ laser Scanner

by in 3D-Printing



Sub 30$ 3D laser scanner Open harware/software project

by Ferretti, published


AccelStepper library

Hello you must install the accellstepper library in arduino environement before compile/upload it it


tips (from Mark Benson)
If anyone else is having problems with a BYJ48 stepper not doing anything, 
change the HALFSTEP value to 4 & REVOLUTION_STEP to 2048 in configuration.h.

2 thoughts on “3d laser scan – Sardauscan

  1. Personally, the Tokina appeals to me more too, Frog. But in the case of the Sigma 10-20mm, I went with the overwhelming number of reviews and visitors to the review page. Plus, the Sigma is much more afoaldfbre.Thanks for your comment, though. The more comments and alternative lens choices listed here the better. There’s no way my five lens picks can satisfy everyone. So the comments have the potential to make this article much more rich and diverse.

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